According to a large new study, individuals who sustain a traumatic brain injury may have an increased risk of developing a stroke. The study author says that having a traumatic brain injury can be as large a risk factor as having high blood pressure. Recognizing this association may help Miami patients recognize early signs of a stroke.
The study tapped into several databases in California that had information about adults who went to an emergency department between 2005 and 2009. Some databases also included information about patients who were discharged from a hospital during this same time period. The study included 400,000 individuals who had sustained a traumatic brain injury. The average age of the study participants was 50.
Within 28 months after they sustained a traumatic brain injury, more than 11,000 patients had sustained a stroke. Patients who had sustained trauma but suffered no brain injury had a lower rate of having a stroke, compared with individuals who had sustained a traumatic brain injury. Even though the risk was not substantially greater, it is significant because the risk for people of this age group is so small. Ultimately, the study concluded that patients who had sustained a traumatic brain injury were 30 percent more likely to sustain a stroke, compared with individuals who had trauma but did not have a brain injury.
Miami personal injury lawyers help individuals who have sustained traumatic brain injuries seek compensation from the negligent party that caused the injury. Compensation may be available to pay for the long-term costs associated with these types of injuries, medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses and pain and suffering. Damages may also be available to provide compensation for the lifestyle change that is associated with significant brain injuries.
Source: Florida Today, “Study: Brain injury may increase stroke risk”, Healthday, June 27, 2013