Car Accident Lawyer
If you are involved in a car accident, you should see a doctor for an evaluation as soon as possible. As a car accident lawyer in Kansas City, MO from a firm like Royce Injury Attorneys LLC can explain, even if the damage to your car seems minor, it is still possible that you could have a serious injury.
During a traumatic experience such as a car accident, your body becomes flooded with adrenaline which, among other functions, can mask your pain. Therefore, you may be seriously injured yet not experience any symptoms for several hours until the adrenaline wears off. It’s important to remember that if you have to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit, medical records describing your condition can be valuable evidence.
Here are some symptoms that can take a while to develop after a car accident.
1. Extremity Numbness and Tingling
Following an accident, you may start to notice tingling and numbness in your arms or legs. This is a sign of damage to your spine, such as a vertebral fracture or a herniated disk. These conditions can put pressure on your spinal cord, which can disrupt nerve signals to the extremities. If you do not seek treatment, the symptoms may become worse, and you may experience permanent nerve damage.
2. Neck Pain
Whiplash is a condition that results from damage to the soft tissues of the neck when the head jerks violently back and forth. It is common after a car accident, especially a rear-end collision. More often than not, whiplash symptoms of pain and limited range of motion in the neck do not develop for at least a few hours, sometimes days. In many cases, whiplash resolves on its own, but it can also cause long-term pain if not diagnosed and treated early.
3. Abdominal Pain
The force of a motor vehicle collision can damage the internal organs. This can result in internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening. Along with abdominal pain, symptoms of internal bleeding including dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting, as well as deep bruising of the abdomen.
4. Headache
A headache caused by a car accident may not occur until several days later, meaning that many people do not associate their pain with the accident. While a headache following a car accident may not be serious, and may not even be related, it is still a good idea to get it evaluated in case it is a sign of a concussion or bleeding in the skull.
Before you talk to an insurance adjuster, you should see a doctor to determine whether you are injured and to what extent. One of our attorneys may also be able to help you deal with the insurance company to file a lawsuit or negotiate a settlement.