Adversity and Achievement Scholarship (2017)

At Needle & Ellenberg, P.A., we’re proud to be an established law firm serving the areas in and around Miami, Florida.

As a law firm that provides counsel for personal injury cases, every single day we speak with individuals and families who have suddenly found their lives turned upside down.

We believe that personal injury litigation isn’t just about holding liable parties responsible for their actions; our work is about giving underrepresented victims an opportunity to continue growing and thriving in the face of adversity.

With that in mind, we’re thrilled to announce that we are offering a $500 scholarship for a student pursuing a college or advanced education degree.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED.
  • The scholarship candidate must be able to show proof of admission or attendance (e.g., a transcript or acceptance letter) at an accredited educational program, as stated above.
  • The scholarship candidate must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.

Application Requirements

Please submit the following documents in order to be considered:

  • An up-to-date resumé or C.V.
  • A current unofficial transcript from the candidate’s college. Incoming first-year college students may submit a current unofficial transcript from their high school and a copy of their college acceptance letter (PDF file type preferred).
  • A brief essay response (750-1000 words) addressing the following:

Tell us about an inspiring individual you know personally (e.g., a relative, a friend, a community leader) who has had to overcome great adversities. What challenges has this person faced? How do they inspire the people around them? [Note: Please obtain permission from this individual prior to using his/her name in your essay.]

Application Instructions

In order to be eligible, scholarship candidates must submit their FULL application (written essay, transcript, and resumé) via email. The official deadline for all application materials is September 1, 2017. Applications missing any of the required materials following this deadline will not be considered.

Please send email submissions to: [email protected]
