Medical and Civil Justice Scholarship – Video Essay (2017)

As a top personal injury firm in Miami, Florida, the team at Needle & Ellenberg, P.A. is proud to give back to our community whenever possible. We believe that it is our duty, as a trusted part of the community, to invest in the future. When promising young students have an opportunity to further their education, it benefits us all.

We’re excited to announce that our law firm is offering a $500 scholarship to one exceptional student who shows interest in the law and is pursuing a college degree or advanced degree of any type.

We understand that some students may be hesitant to apply for scholarships because their writing is not their strongest suit, so we’re changing up the submission format for our 2017 Medical and Civil Justice Scholarship. Rather than submitting a written essay, we’re asking students to submit a brief (2-3 minutes) video essay.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

To qualify for this scholarship, candidates must meet a brief list of criteria:

  • This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED.
  • The scholarship candidate must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. The candidate must be able to prove this with an official transcript.
  • The scholarship candidate must show an interest in the law and/or in medicine, as shown in the individual’s educational, volunteer, and professional life.

Application Requirements

Please submit the following documents in order to be considered:

  • An up-to-date resumé or C.V.
  • A current unofficial transcript from the candidate’s college. Incoming first-year college students may submit a current unofficial transcript from their high school and a copy of their college acceptance letter (PDF file type preferred).
  • A 2-3 minute video addressing the following:

In medical malpractice cases, personal injury litigation and medical concerns go hand-in-hand. Tell us why you are interested in the legal and/or medical fields. What first piqued your interest in these industries? What are your career goals for the future? How do you hope to change one (or both) of these industries for the better?

Please note that by submitting a video essay, you are consenting to having your video published publicly on our website (or through other channels affiliated with our firm) if you win. If you wish for your video essay to remain private, you must specifically request this. We’re hoping that all applicants are willing to share their creativity and passion with our community! 

Application Instructions

In order to be eligible, scholarship candidates must submit their FULL application (video essay, transcript, and resumé) via email. The official deadline for all application materials is April 1, 2017. Applications missing any of the required materials following this deadline will not be considered.

1. Please upload your video to one of these platforms:

2. After you have uploaded your video, please send us an email with the URL and your C.V./resume. Incoming college students are also asked to send a copy of their college acceptance letter (PDF form is preferred). Emails may be sent to:[email protected]

3. Request an official transcript from your college or high school. Transcripts may be sent to this address: 1401 Brickell Avenue, 9th Floor
Miami, FL 33131

We will notify the winner by telephone or email, and we will publicly announce the winner on the Needle & Ellenberg, P.A. Facebook page and website.
