Medical Mistake Lawyer Miami FL

Medical Mistake Lawyer Miami FL

All medical professionals are held to a strict standard of care. A majority of the time this standard is met; however, sometimes it is forgotten or ignored, and the patient is injured. If a healthcare provider fails at a time when another provider, with similar training, who have acted differently, the former provider may be considered to have provided treatment that is below the standard of care. Also known as negligence, this may leave the patient at risk for greater harm or death. If this has happened to you, please call a medical mistake lawyer in Miami, FL as soon as possible. 

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., according to Johns Hopkins University. Needle & Ellenberg, P.A., takes every medical error seriously and is committed to helping victims and their loved ones hold medical professionals accountable. If you or someone you know might have been the unfortunate victim of medical malpractice, please call a medical mistake lawyer Miami, FL residents trust now. 

Common Errors Made in a Professional Medical Setting

There are a number of preventable medical mistakes; however, fighting them, and those who are responsible, is not an easy task. Therefore, it is important for any patient to be vigilant, ask questions, and ensure the doctor is adhering to the standards of care. The following information is meant to empower patients, victims, and family members so that mistakes in the medical profession can ultimately be reduced. If you have been the victim of a medical error, please don’t delay in calling a medical malpractice lawyer in Miami, FL from Needle & Ellenberg, P.A.

Misdiagnosis – When a patient is treated for a condition, but actually suffers from another, it may be because he or she was not given accurate tests or the right health care. In this case, a medical malpractice lawyer in Miami, FL should be consulted. Five common misdiagnosed medical conditions include heart attacks, stroke, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and infection. 

Medication Errors – Up to 400,000 injuries occur in hospitals every year because of a medical injury. A further 800,000 patients suffer harm in a long term care setting, and a 540,000 are injured in outpatient clinics because they were not given the right medication or dosage. 

Failure to Monitor – As a medical mistake lawyer in Miami, FL might tell you, it is prudent that a patient is properly monitored after a surgery or treatment. If monitoring was lax, it is possible for things like an adverse reaction, drop in heart rate, or decreased breathing to go unnoticed. 

Delayed Treatment – Pregnant women, victims of a stroke, as well as those who are suffering a heart attack (as well as others) are often not provided with immediate treatment. For example, a nurse might monitor the situation for a few hours before proceeding with any tests or exams. A decision like this could result in a tragic outcome that could have been avoided.

Failure to Get the Patients’ Medical History – Before any surgery or treatment, it is up to a medical professional to review the patients’ history. This should include any reactions to medications, or underlying medical conditions. If this is not performed correctly, the patient could be injured. In this case, a medical mistake lawyer in Miami, FL might be able to recover monetary compensation. 

Technical Errors – There are preventable medical mistakes that can happen during any treatment. For example, an artery is accidentally nicked during an operation. Although it is possible for the damage to be repaired in some cases, often it is irreversible. If this should happen, the consequences can be devastating. 

If you or a loved one suffered from a medical error, call a medical mistake lawyer in Miami, Florida today. Call Needle & Ellenberg, P.A.