Robotic Surgery Lawyer

What to Know About The Flaws of Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery Lawyer

More doctors are using robotic surgery as advanced technology continues to develop. While robotic surgery can surely be of assistance when it comes to precision, this doesn’t mean there isn’t a chance that malpractice will occur, as a robotic surgery lawyer knows all too well. Robotic surgery is when a doctor uses a special device or machine to perform a small incision around the area that will be operated on. Once open, the device will continue forward with the entire procedure based on what the doctor requests it to do.

Q: Does the robot perform on its own or does the doctor control it?

A: The doctor controls the robotic arms while a camera projects a three-dimensional view of the body. In this way, the device is assisting the surgeon in finding the items he or she needs. Tools may be utilized to extract or collect organs and tissues from the patient’s body. The robot doesn’t work entirely independently, and is more of a supportive tool to promote maximum accuracy, as a robotic surgery lawyer can explain.

Q: In what situations may a doctor use a robotic assistance tool?

A: A doctor may use a robotic device when removing growths, during gastrectomy procedures, and to repair hernias. By using a robotic arm or tool, the patient is less likely to lose excess blood while decreasing the chances of an infection at the site. 

Q: But is it risky to use a robotic machinery or device during a procedure?

A: If the doctor does not use the robotic tool in an appropriate manner, then there is risk of injury or death. Statistics suggest that hundreds of patients per year are harmed during a procedure that entailed the use of a robotic tool. While this may seem like the chances of injury are slim, it could happen to anyone and can quickly lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit. 

Q: How and why do problems arise with robotic machinery? 

A: In most instances of injury due to robotic surgery, it is the surgeon’s error that led to the injury or death. The doctor may not have fully understood how to properly use the machine, or moved the device into the incorrect areas of the body. The doctor may misinterpret what the camera is showing and make a mistake when it comes to working with an organ or tissue. 

Q: Is there a chance that the robotic tool could have a mechanical issue?

A: Technology is not error-proof. Regardless of how advanced this machinery can be, there may always be some chance of a flaw or issue arising in how the tool works. The robotic device may make unintentional movements while working on the patient’s body, potentially causing punctures or lacerations to organs that the surgeon hadn’t intended. The wrong tool attachment could have been used during the procedure, or the upkeep of the device may have been a factor. Robotic tools for surgery often have very strict ways that it must be cleaned and stored to prevent the occurrence of serious infections. The device must be sterilized and calibrated on a regular basis to help prevent the tool from having a mechanical problem. 

For more information, contact a robotic surgery lawyer from Needle & Ellenberg today.
