What are common types of personal injury cases?

When one person suffers harm in an accident at the hands of another party, the victim has the opportunity to take legal action for the damages they have incurred. Many types of accidents may constitute a personal injury case, for example:

  • Slip and Falls
  • Car Accidents
  • Products Liability
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Work-Related Accidents
  • Premises Liability

What damages are recoverable from a personal injury accident?

Damages are a way for victims to recover compensation for their losses after an accident legally. Damages are intended to help a victim be made whole again after an accident. While nothing can entirely change the events that transpired, money from a settlement can allow the victim to have the ability to cover expenses associated with the accident and their recovery. Our personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, FL shares common damages victims may recover include:

  • Economic Damages
    • Medical Bills
    • Personal Care Services
    • Lost Income & Wages
    • Property Damages
  • Non-Economic Damages
    • Pain & Suffering
    • Mental Suffering
  • Punitive Damages

What are mistakes victims can make that impact their case?

After an accident, it’s possible for victims to innocently make mistakes that impact the outcome of their case. Common mistakes include:

  • Not contacting the police
  • Forgoing medical care
  • Admitting fault for the accident
  • Accepting a settlement before consulting with a lawyer
  • Posting to social media
  • Not gathering as much evidence as possible

What are the benefits of contacting a personal injury lawyer?

While victims can represent themselves “pro se,” it’s not always recommended. Navigating the legal system while dealing with physical injuries and financial challenges can be a lot to deal with. Pursuing a legal case can result in victims leaving money on the table, impacting a victim’s right to receive compensation for the full extent of their losses. A lawyer can help by:

  • Assigning proper value to the case
  • Negotiating with insurance companies and lawyers
  • Having a clear understanding of the legal system
  • Maximize the claim victims are entitled to

After an accident, victims will need to overcome several hurdles, financial losses, physical injuries, emotional damages, and property loss. The Law Offices of Needle & Ellenberg, P.A. can offer victims the peace of mind they need in recovering damages and holding the responsible party accountable. Contact our personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for representation victims rely on.