Miami drivers who insist on speeding should take note of a recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association. According to this organization, speeding remains the cause of one-third of all fatal car accidents.
The Car Connection Web site recently reported that of the 32,885 people killed in car accidents in 2010, 10,530 were killed in crashes in which speeding played a role. The Governors Highway Safety Association reports that speeding statistics haven’t improved in more than three decades.
The Car Connection places some of the blame for this on states that aren’t taking enough steps to encourage drivers to slow down. For instance, the site points out that only two states have increased fines for speeding since 2005. The site also reports that only one state has passed an aggressive-driving law since 2005. This made it one of just 11 states in the country to boast such a law.
At the same time, seven states have increased their speed limits to a maximum of 85 miles-an-hour during the past seven years.
Of course, states aren’t the only culprits. As The Car Connection points out, drivers bear most of the responsibility for the fact that speeding deaths have not fallen. Members of the driving public largely ignore speed limits. At the same time, police departments across the country, strapped for cash, don’t have enough resources or personnel to properly enforce speed limits.
What’s it all mean? That we shouldn’t expect speed-related fatalities to drop any time soon.
Source: The Car Connection, “Speeding, Aggressive Driving Still Cause 1/3 Of Fatal Accidents,” Richard Read, March 9, 2012