Car Accidents

Minimum Auto Insurance Limits in Texas – Is it Enough?

Car Accident Lawyer To drive legally in Texas all drivers are required to carry auto insurance. Texas has a specified minimum amount of car insurance that must be carried to drive in Texas. Yet does that minimum amount required by automobile insurance provide you with enough coverage in Texas? You may be surprised to learn just how little protection the minimum policy actually offers you.  In Texas, drivers must carry a minimum amount of auto

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Steps to Take After a Taxi Accident

Car Accident Lawyer To be involved in an accident is highly stressful. When you’re involved in an accident with a taxi, you may feel more at a loss. What do you do following an accident with a cab? The reality is that you should treat it similarly to other accidents. Here are three steps to do following an injury in a taxi. Gather Information Before you file a claim, you will want as much information

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What To Do About Back Pain After a Car Accident

Car Accident Lawyer Your back is susceptible to a number of different types of injuries in a car accident, from the relatively mild to the dangerously severe. Sometimes the pain in your back from the accident may be evident right away, while other times it can take some time to develop. When it comes to back pain after an accident, you first have to take care of yourself physically, and then you have to look

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How Long You Can Wait Before Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit

Car Accident Lawyer When you’re in a car accident, you may be inclined to want to physically recover before you worry about the legalities of recovering compensation. While this could be less stressful and give you time to relax following a traumatic event, you may want to reconsider. The sooner you can get a lawyer on the case, the better, as your lawyer can work with you through everything during this time. There’s also the

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Understanding the Timeline to File a Car Accident Claim

Personal Injury Lawyer There can be an unnatural feeling to rush through the process of filing a car accident claim. You may feel pressure from liable parties to move quicker than you are comfortable with, but you can move at your own pace. It is likely unwise to rush through the filing process because it can lead to inadequate reporting of injuries and smaller settlement offers. Therefore, while you may be feeling pressured to move quickly

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4 Steps to Addressing Back Pain After a Car Accident

Personal Injury Lawyer Being involved in a car wreck can cause a variety of injuries, from bone fractures to head trauma. One of the most common injuries are back injuries. Spinal injuries can include problems that include herniated discs and soft tissue damage. If you believe you have suffered some kind of back trauma in a car wreck that was the fault of another, there are a few steps you can take if you want

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Steps to Take Following an Uber Accident

Personal Injury Lawyer When you are in an Uber accident, there are few steps to take that are different than what you’d do following any other car accident. Uber isn’t exempt from accidents and their drivers aren’t exempt from making mistakes. If you find you are in an Uber accident, whether you’re in the Uber, the other party, or a pedestrian, you should take the following steps. Call for Medical Help If you are physically

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Learn About the Statute of Limitations

Car Accident Lawyer If one person’s actions result in another person being injured, then the first person is responsible for compensating the victim for his or her medical bills and all other expenses related to the injury. Personal injury lawsuits are the system for forcing someone to pay these compensations if he or she refuses. However, after the injury, your first priority should be to seek the medical treatment you need. You do not need

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