School buses are trusted by many parents throughout the Miami area to transport their children to and from school in a safe manner. While most days the routes are completed without incident, there are occasions when car accidents occur. One such accident occurred earlier this week in Miami-Dade County.
Continue readingMany mourn SW Miami-Dade teen victim in tragic crash
Fellow students and friends mourn the death of their thirteen-year old classmate in a tragic Miami-area motor vehicle accident in April. Most can still not believe that their close friend is gone forever. Grieving 8th graders from her class have created a Facebook page dedicated to her memory.
Continue readingDeadly car accidents increase on Tax Day
With the arrival of tax day there are likely quite a few people throughout Miami who are focused on finishing their federal income tax return. For those individuals it is doubtful that they are thinking about April being National Distracted Driving month and the efforts the federal government is making to reduce the number of fatal car accidents throughout the country. Perhaps however, everyone should.
Continue readingSecond lawsuit filed in Miami Beach police ATV accident
A second person injured in a motor vehicle accident after a Miami Beach police officer in an ATV ran him over has filed a lawsuit against both the former officer and the city, according to a story by the Miami Herald. The man, who fractured his leg in the summer accident last year, says that he has suffered disability, disfigurement, mental anguish and a loss of earnings, according to a complaint that he filed with
Continue readingDOT declares April as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Car crashes occur regularly throughout the state of Florida. While there are many reasons that car accidents happen, one of the most common reasons these days is distracted driving. Recognizing this, the federal government has declared April as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
Continue readingSpeed-related auto fatalities aren’t falling
Miami drivers who insist on speeding should take note of a recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association. According to this organization, speeding remains the cause of one-third of all fatal car accidents. The Car Connection Web site recently reported that of the 32,885 people killed in car accidents in 2010, 10,530 were killed in crashes in which speeding played a role. The Governors Highway Safety Association reports that speeding statistics haven’t improved in
Continue readingNew Florida law addresses car insurance fraud
In previous posts we have written about individuals throughout the state who engage in no-fault motor vehicle insurance fraud accomplished through staged car accidents. Miami has not been immune to the scheme where. Recently food trucks have been employed as a part of the scam in the city. According to the state Division of Insurance Fraud, 15 people are known to been involved in the fraud. Seeking to curb the trend, Florida legislators recently passed
Continue readingBus crash involving truck causes death of Florida boy
For a variety of reasons schools throughout the country, including Florida, rely on buses to transport children to and from their place of learning. Few parents likely spend much time thinking about the possibility of not seeing their child alive again as they watch him or her get on the bus in the morning. Nonetheless, from time-to-time this is the case. Earlier this week a young boy lost his life when the school bus in
Continue readingInvestigation launched into buses manufactured by MCI
While all motor vehicle accidents in Florida have the potential to be serious, this is especially true in the case of bus accidents. The reason behind this is simple-the number of people who could potentially be harmed when a bus is full. With serious and sometimes fatal bus crashes so often making the news recently, many have become vigilant regarding what can be done to prevent them. Motor Coach Industries Inc. is currently being investigated
Continue readingHope and exercise therapy for spinal cord victims
Spinal cord injury victims suffer the most damaging and permanent injuries, often resulting in paralysis and immobility. New research and treatments signals the potential for recovery and hope for patients and their loved ones. The devastating consequences of a spinal cord injury can leave a victim unable to care for their families and themselves and can significantly alter the quality of life. Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and trucking accidents leave thousands of victims suffering from
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