Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as DUI

Most Miami drivers understand the danger of drunken driving. Fewer are well-versed in the serious car accident potential of driving while drowsy. A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that between 15 and 33 percent of fatal car crashes involve over-tired, drowsy drivers. Sleep deprivation slows reaction times to dangerous levels. This observation was made by a sleep expert physician from the University of Minnesota. This condition often causes

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Secretary Clinton is back at work at State

After an illness and a minor concussion, suffered in a fall at her home, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was hospitalized for a dangerous blood clot. Her recent run of bad luck has apparently ended, however. Her brain injury much better, Secretary Clinton returned to her office on Monday, January 7th according to the State Department’s weekly schedule. Although being released from a New York hospital treating her blood clot less than a week ago,

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Could new helmets protect brains of football players?

Readers of this blog are likely aware of the issues surrounding athletes participating in various sports and concussions. One of the sports that is currently front and center regarding the matter is professional football. Historically players have been allowed to return to the game too soon while their brains are still healing. It has taken a long to even begin to understand the long-term effects of repeated hits to the head. Only now is the

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Safety chief driving truck strikes sunbather on beach

In many states throughout the nation car accidents take place virtually only on roads. In some states, including Florida, car accidents can occur on beaches as well. This recently occurred in a community outside of Miami. This is not the first time over the past few years that accidents involving vehicles on the beach have happened in Florida. Pickups and other vehicles driven by individuals such as lifeguards are allowed in these spaces. Because other

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Questions remain after pedestrian struck by car

Sometimes, the worst kind of car accident can happen with only one car. Recently, not far from Miami, an eight year old boy was struck and killed after he left his home while under the supervision on his teen babysitter. Investigators are still unsure of what happened and why the boy was in the street, but pedestrian related car accidents don’t just involve children; they can happen to anyone. Like with any car accident investigation

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Hillary Clinton suffers concussion at home

There are times when a person can suffer a brain injury and not even realize it. One of these times is when they sustain a concussion and they don’t get the treatment they need quickly enough. Although there has not been an indication of a brain injury, a recent fall in U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her concussion is an understandable concern for those in Miami and across the country. Clinton passed out

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Use of laminated glass a help or hindrance in car accidents?

Regular readers of this blog may be aware of just how dangerous rollover car accident can be. For those who are not aware, they are considered to be some of the most deadly and account for 10,000 deaths each year in Miami and beyond. A major reason for the deadly result is that it is not uncommon for people who are not properly restrained to be thrown for the vehicle when windows are broken in

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Lawsuit follows Miami airport fatal bus accident

A passenger who survived the recent deadly Miami International Airport bus accident has filed a lawsuit against the bus company. The tour bus crashed into an overpass last week at the airport. The 11-foot high bus, carrying over 30 members of a Jehovah’s Witness congregation, struck an 8-foot 6-inch overpass at Miami International. The car accident was fatal to two passengers; an 86- and a 56-year old died in the crash. The passenger filing the

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Dolphin bites girl at Florida amusement park

Anytime an individual visits a location he or she has a right to visit that person assumes that certain steps will be taken to ensure his or her safety. Commercial properties such as amusement parks are not an exception. When a visitor to such a location is injured during his or her visit, it is possible that the injured person could file a premises liability lawsuit.

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New research brings hope for spinal injury victims

Every day many Miami residents find themselves involved in accidents that result in a personal injury, and while any injury can be difficult, among the most devastating is a spinal injury. These injuries not only change lives, they turn them upside-down. Not only does the survivor need to get used to a more difficult life due to the high level of paralysis experienced, but there are continual medical and care expenses that can add up

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